We are seeking a Consultant for the Action for Global Health Network UK (AfGH UK) to undertake a ‘shadow’ stocktake report on the UK Government’s work on global health, incorporating all health Official Development Assistance (ODA) across various government departments, including the Department for International Development (DFID), Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
The stocktake report will set out the UK Government’s current work on global health, how this contributes to international commitments and targets on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 and Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and our recommendations for the UK Government going forward. The report will be used as an advocacy tool by the global health sector with parliamentarians, civil servants and ministers to demonstrate what the UK Government is doing on global health, how this contributes to international commitments and targets on SDG3 and UHC that the UK Government has signed up to, and any areas for improvement.
STOPAIDS hosts the Action for Global Health UK (AfGH UK) network, which represents over 60 of the UK’s leading NGOs, research institutions and health experts working to promote and improve global health. AfGH UK believes that the UK Government should play a leading role in realising the right to health for all globally and works on a broad range of health issues with a focus on the quantity and quality of UK development assistance for health. The network provides a unique co-ordination and convening role mobilising UK global health advocates working towards a common strategy to hold UK government and global health institutions and stakeholders accountable, as well as providing a vital platform for dialogue between UK and global civil society and the UK Government.
Please find the full ‘Terms of Reference’ below.
Consultancy Terms of Reference
If you are interested, please send:
- A (no more than) two-page expression of interest outlining your approach to the above scope of work and how many days you think the work will require to complete.
- A one page cover letter outlining your suitability for this consultancy.
- Your CV and the name of one referee.
- Indicative budget, including travel costs.
to Katie Husselby (katie@actionforglobalhealth.org.uk) by 5pm 30th October 2019.
If you would like to discuss this Terms of Reference before submitting an expression of interest, please contact Katie.