We are recruiting a Coordinator for Students for Global Health!

We are recruiting a Coordinator for Students for Global Health, a UK wide student network set up in 1996, tackling global and local health inequalities through education, advocacy and community action.

The SfGH National Committee (NC) works to empower and train the 30+ branches in universities across the UK, with thousands of members, where students meet and engage in global health issues. SfGH organises at least four national events every year, two general assemblies and two conferences and will be celebrating their 25th year this year.

SfGH are also the representative body of all UK medical students to the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), who represent all medical students worldwide to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

This role will work closely with the Action for Global Health Network (AfGH), a UK-based network of more than 50 leading NGOs, research institutions and health experts working to promote and improve global health. AfGH is hosted by STOPAIDS, a network of UK agencies working since 1986 to secure an effective global response to HIV and AIDS. As such, STOPAIDS will also provide administrative and line management support to this role.

SfGH has historically been entirely student-run as a network which has allowed it to retain a high level of engagement with members. A full-time SfGH Coordinator alongside the National Committee will increase the day-to-day capacity of the organisation to support the implementation of the organisational strategy with a focus on ensuring that global health is integrated into UK and international policy.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. To work with the SfGH National Committee to carry out work in the following strategy areas: [80%]
    1. Membership engagement and sustainability
    2. Training and Education
    3. Policy and Campaigns
    4. Mobilising Influence
  2. With support from the AfGH Senior Network and Sustainability Adviser, to lead on the development of funding proposals, and reporting to donors and other stakeholders on SfGH’s work. [15%]
  3. Other duties as needed. [5%]

Download the application pack here.

Please e-mail your completed application form and equal opportunities form to caitlin@stopaids.org.uk

Closing date: Sunday 2nd August.

Interviews will take place the week beginning Monday 3rd August. 

People living with or affected by HIV, from Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds or from other minoritized groups are encouraged to apply and/or get in touch with any queries about the role – please email Harpreet (director@studentsforglobalhealth.org). 
