Fuelled by the UK’s support, The Global Fund has made remarkable progress against AIDS, TB and malaria. The partnership has saved 50 million lives – nearly 5 million of these saved thanks to UK Aid.

But progress to eliminating these diseases is at risk. Following the devastating impact of COVID-19, for the first time in the Global Fund’s history, key programmatic results declined.

The Global Fund’s rapid and determined response to Covid-19 prevented an even worse outcome. In 2021, 23.3 million people were supported by the partnership to receive HIV treatment.

However, more must be done to regain lost ground and prevent COVID-19 from having a catastrophic long-term impact. The recent UNAIDS report In Danger detailed that approximately 1.5 million new HIV infections occurred last year—more than 1 million more than the global target. Without donors stepping up their pledges at this year’s Global Fund Replenishment, the global target of ending these diseases by 2030 will be difficult to reach.

Strong support from the UK Government has been central in helping the Global Fund to save 50 million lives. This leadership is needed more than ever.

Use the above tool to find out how many lives your constituency has helped save & share your results with the UK’s new Prime Minister, Rt Hon Liz Truss MP, as well as the new Foreign Secretary and International Development Minister.

Find out more about The Global Fund’s Result’s Report

Our Methodology

How many lives has your constituency saved through

{[{ errorMessage }]}

Through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria {[{ constituency }]} has contributed towards:

  • {[{ theseStatistics.livesSaved | number: 0 }]} lives saved since 2002
  • {[{ theseStatistics.hivTreatment | number: 0 }]} HIV: people on antiretroviral therapy in 2017
  • {[{ theseStatistics.bedNets | number: 0 }]} Malaria: mosquito nets distributed in 2017
  • {[{ theseStatistics.TB | number: 0 }]} TB: People with TB treated in 2017

Thank you for your support!