Shift Power to Save Lives!

Across the world, marginalised populations are facing structural barriers to their right to health.

A global rollback of LGBTQ+ rights and women’s rights, coupled with a waning political will in the HIV response, is threatening progress toward global health goals. This has deadly consequences: AIDS-related illnesses remain the leading killer of women of reproductive age.

Where communities and civil society groups are supported to lead, the AIDS response is stronger and more effective.

The Robert Carr Fund provides this support through flexible, multi-year funding for groups led by and serving inadequately-served populations. This is vital for them to flourish.

Placing funds in the hands of impacted communities is the most impactful way to shift power to those on the frontline of health responses, meaning communities can lead this work and save lives.

The UK has historically been a leading partner to the Robert Carr Fund but without public demand for action there is a risk that our contribution will fall short of what’s needed.

Please act now and write to your MP demanding the UK step up to renew its commitment to the Robert Carr Fund, shifting power to the hands of communities on the frontline of the AIDS response.

