Showing 10 resources

High Level Meeting Briefings, May 2023

In light of the multi-stakeholder hearings on TB, PPR, and UHC that took place between the 8-9th of May and the release of the zero drafts for the HLM on TB and on UHC, STOPAIDS and partners have released a series of briefings for advocates participating in the upcoming negotiations for the political declarations and … Continued

AIDS22, August 2022

The 24th International AIDS Conference convened by the International AIDS Society took place in Montréal, Canada. This was a key moment for HIV activists, policy makers and the public health community to come together and STOPAIDS was delighted to participate both in person and virtually. To revisit the timetable of STOPAIDS and member events:   … Continued

Featured HIV and Quality of Life Factsheet

Quality of life (QoL) is an essential issue for all people, regardless of whether they are living with HIV or not. This factsheet is intended to be used as a good practice guide for STOPAIDS members and the wider international development sector. The paper takes a whole-life-course approach and highlights best-practice case studies from across … Continued

Featured STOPAIDS Position Paper Supporting the Full Decriminalisation of Sex Work

Since we first started in 1986, STOPAIDS has advocated for a human rights-based approach to ending AIDS. We have particularly focused on promoting the human rights of key population groups who are disproportionately impacted by HIV – including sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people and people who use drugs. In this … Continued

Featured HIV Beyond Goal 3 – Interconnections between HIV, Human Rights and Sustainable Development

This paper explains the interconnections between certain Sustainable Development Goal targets, human rights laws, and HIV. Ending AIDS is now part of a broader health goal within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Those who are committed to ending the AIDS epidemic realise that a purely medical response is not effective. The AIDS response must also … Continued

Featured Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and HIV

The Factsheet highlights the intersectional forms of discrimination, abuse and violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, actual and perceived HIV status, socioeconomic status, race age and/or other diversities diminish the ability of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals to realise their human rights, including their right to health care. It also … Continued

Stocktake of DFID’s work on key populations, July 2014

Entitled “Increasing DFID’s contribution to Addressing HIV among key populations” and building on our earlier critique of DFID’s position paper on HIV and AIDS, the report makes a series of recommendations about how STOPAIDS members believe DFID can work more effectively to advance the rights of communities who are disproportionately affected by AIDS, notably men who … Continued